

类型:剧情 剧情片 韩国   塔吉克斯坦 1999 

主演:Muhammadjon Shodi Mastura Ortik Taghoymurod Rozik 

导演:闵丙勋 杰姆谢德·乌斯莫诺夫 



A wealthy rais (a head of local administration in Tadzhikistan) builds his toilet right next to the house of a teacher in the village. The aromas of the toilet disturb the life of the teacher’s family; it is very upsetting for them. But the rais is also a new Tadzhik (new money) and ignores the complaints. Moreover, every time he visits the toilet, he shamelessly stares at the teacher’s young wife over the fence. However, the power of the rais is so great that nobody dares to oppose him. The teacher buys cheaply a home right in front of the rais’s house from an old man and decides to build a public toilet there.   It seems that the era of fairytales and legends has vanished and it is not possible to make film-parables. However, Jamshed Usmonov creates film-parables. In every one of his films there is a character telling a legend that turns the meaning of the film all around. In Flight of the Bee it is a tale about a bee, which saved the life of an army:   Once upon a time it was a custom to kill old people who reached a certain age. But one of the soldiers of Alexander the Great didn’t have the heart to kill his father. He hid him in his traveling trunk and carried it on his back during marches. The army came to a desert and the warriors started to die from thirst. Nobody knew how to find water. The father said to his son: Catch a bee, tie a white thread to its leg and follow it. It will take you to water. They found water and the army was saved. After that old people were spared because everybody recognized them as a source of wisdom. The village teacher tells this story to his students at the beginning of the film.   It is interesting to note how in the film Flight of the Bee different mentalities intermingled and co-existed. The teacher is typical of the Soviet intelligentsia: he writes books that nobody publishes; he looks for justice from the government that has never been fair to him. The surroundings of the village are still Soviet: the rais has Lenin’s portrait in his office; young people are idle and drunk as they always were during the Soviet era. The new capitalists, the new Tadzhiks in the village, do not wear designer jackets and do not talk on cell phones. The new money is presented in the character of the rais. It has almost a feudal quality; it is the power of a local lord.   Jamshed Usmonov has a unique talent to balance the funny and serious, the simple and complicated. He, like nobody else, senses this border, where a simple story turns into a parable and film characters stand out as archetypes of different periods set together in the gap of times. (kinokultura/GULNARA ABIKEEVA)


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  • 1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看电影《蜜蜂飞了》高清版全集?
  • 绕滚网网友:绕滚网啊,我就经常在这网站上免费在线观看剧情片,
  • 2、《蜜蜂飞了》是哪些演员主演的?
  • 网友:该剧情片的主演有Muhammadjon,Shodi,Mastura,Ortik,Taghoymurod,Rozik
  • 3、《蜜蜂飞了》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 网友:该剧情片上映于1999年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。
  • 4、蜜蜂飞了在播放过程中出现卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。
  • 5、手机上可以免费在线点播《蜜蜂飞了》电影高清版全集还有哪些网站?
  • 网友:芒果TV爱奇艺优酷视频百度视频
  • 6、电影《蜜蜂飞了》的评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:场面拍得挺好,但总觉得少了点什么。!
  • 百度视频网友:已閱。還是說一下,風格上有很婁燁的地方比如手持攝影,也有不那麼婁燁的地方比如黑白畫面舞臺劇,二者結合有些觀影門檻:不是指意識里難理解而是視覺上有些鏡頭我沒看清。總體而言婁燁還是突破了我的固有期待,因為不像婁燁之前的作品,待二刷再說。
  • 豆瓣电影网友:这是一场独角戏
  • 发哥电影网友:女皇不仅神枪手,还男女通吃!
  • 爱看网友:艺术感拉满了,但故事似乎掉太多。
  • 绕滚网《蜜蜂飞了》相关搜索词

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